The Lutheran Crusader Fund assists individuals, congregations, schools, and other Lutheran/Christian organizations, which are located within the geographical boundaries of the LCMS’s Atlantic District (essentially the five boroughs of New York City, Long Island, Westchester County, and Hudson Valley north to Albany.) Giving focuses on organizations that directly utilize the funds, as opposed to larger charitable organizations, which absorb and re-dispense funds.

While the Fund seeks to encourage grant proposals from a wide range of Lutheran and other Christian agencies, priority will be given to programs which:
Establish and enhance innovative programs that spread the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ
Encourage and assist individuals seeking to serve the Church and God’s people
Support people and/or organizations in times of significant crisis or need
Bring together Christians in gatherings that educate, inspire, and otherwise build up the oneness of God’s people
Utilize Lutheran Crusader Fund dollars as a matching challenge to encourage other gifts, which will benefit Lutheran/Christian organizations and/or people in need
Application Process
Organizations apply for grants by way of a proposal in the form of a letter, which should not exceed three pages in length. Supplementary materials may be enclosed. The proposal should include the information as outlined below:
- Name and address of the organization.
- Name, address, and telephone number of person(s) responsible for application and grant administration.
- A description of the proposed project to be addressed by grant monies, along with a specific funding request and an explanation of how it fits into the total project budget.
- A summary of how the project’s effectiveness will be assessed.
- The names, titles, and phone numbers of three persons who are not directly associated with your organization, who can be contacted as references.
Proposals must be postmarked to the following address no later than January 15, 2025.
Grant Selection Committee
The Lutheran Crusader Fund
Long Island Lutheran Middle & High School
131 Brookville Road, Brookville NY 11545
or through email to
The Grant Selection Committee (comprised of LuHi Association pastors, faculty and students) makes decisions by April 1. Applicants will be informed of decisions via mail on or around April 15. Grants are limited to a one-year commitment. A new set of applications will be evaluated on an annual basis and all organizations are eligible to apply, regardless of prior grants from the Lutheran Crusader Fund. Recipients will be required to provide a simple follow-up report. An organization cannot be considered for a new grant until a report regarding their prior grant has been received.
Congregation of the Year
Guidelines for consideration include the following:
- The congregation must be located within the geographic boundaries of the LCMS’s Atlantic District.
- The congregations may be a member of any Lutheran denomination.
- Congregations of all sizes, make-up, and location are encouraged to apply.
- The congregation must be demonstrating leadership activities in the three areas emphasized by the Lutheran Crusader Fund;
- Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
- Helping people or organizations in times of significant need, and
- Piloting innovative programs that can serve as a model for other ministries.
Please click here for the nomination form. Complete the form, attach supporting materials and mail postmarked no later than January 15, 2025 to:
“Congregation of the Year” Selection Committee
Lutheran Crusader Fund
Long Island Lutheran Middle & High School
131 Brookville Road
Brookville, NY 11545
The “Congregation of the Year” will be selected by a committee made up of LuHi Association pastors, faculty and students. An announcement of selection will be made on or around March 15. A visit will be scheduled for a Sunday in spring to celebrate the award with the members of the selected congregation. This visit will include the presentation of a commemorative plaque along with a $10,000 check from the Lutheran Crusader Fund. Recognition will include press releases to area newspapers, radio, television, and other media outlets. Congregational successes and strategies will be shared with other Lutheran congregations, schools, and organizations as a motivational model to strengthen these ministries.